Ode To Me

Swipe right, swipe left,
It’s only a matter of time before you fail my test.
It’s been a long day,
I’m tired, lonely, and unimpressed.

Meeting people in person is hard these days, so I sit at home, swipe, and I wait.
Wait for the right guy to show himself, all the while too afraid to show myself.

As time went on, I quit the swiping.
Now I go out and say hello to someone enticing.
It may be hard but at least I’m trying.

Dating these days look like one big game,
Who calls who first, who gives the title,
Well I don’t want to play.

I quit this game because it’s meaningless,
And because a love that’s real should be effortless.

No more games, no more hoops,
I see more of them but I refuse to jump through.

What to do, now that I’m all alone?
I think I’ll find my way back home.
I’ll take my spot back in my chair,
A book in hand and no more cares.

I’ll enjoy my own company and ignore the impostors,
Until someone comes along and surprises me with laughter.

For now, I’m learning to love myself so I can one day love you.
If you don’t exist, I think I’ll be fine then too.
You see, even if there’s no one right for me,
When you learn to love yourself,
You’re always in good company.

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